A little about The Tone Shepherd…

Devan Bumstead's family with three children posing in a park during autumn, surrounded by fallen leaves.

I’m a dad of three (really nutso) children, a husband to an amazingly servant-hearted wife, and work full time as a Worship Pastor at Newbury Park First Christian Church. I’m also a part of Encounter Praise, a worship collective based at our church. We released our first album in 2022 and are dreaming about what’s next for us.

In one context or another, I’ve been leading worship for over 20 years and have always had a passion to weave together a Biblically grounded ministry that carries an uplifting and inspiring sound. I graduated Hope International University with a degree in Biblical Studies and my heart has always been Bible-first when it comes to developing my approach to worship. At the same time, I have a driving passion for great tone and have been fascinated with all things guitar since I began playing in my teens.

“The Tone Shepherd” started as a joke among friends. As a pastor and a guitar geek, often sharing nerdy gear tips with my guitar companions, it became evident that I have a passion for resourcing the worship guitar community with content that’s helpful in achieving inspiring tone along with heart-shaping truths from the treasure trove of Scripture. Certainly in our day, we need worship teams to be more resiliently focused on discipleship to Jesus than we are to our style, image and performance. I believe strongly that we can be both excellent in our craft and excellent disciples of Jesus. The Tone Shepherd is simply my small way of helping us in both areas.

Let me be clear—I’m no sage, have no list of accolades and, admittedly, am a rather hack guitar player. But what I’ve received I pass along to you. This content and these resources are simply what I’m pouring out to my own team at my own church. That is enough in itself. But if you’re blessed out of the overflow of that, then I’m humbled to be a part of your story too.

May we all continue to grow in the grace of Jesus and be transformed into His image as we walk in step with the Spirit.

Devan Bumstead