The Lobby is Your Real Stage

Take or leave this opinion, but I’m not in favor of green rooms. 

Sure, if you have 4 services there’s a time and a place to have some personal time in a closed off place. 

But by and large, be with your people as much as you can. 


The lobby is one of a few great places where you can prove you believe what you’re singing on stage. 

It’s the place where you have the opportunity to touch the very people you say you want to connect with Jesus. 

So instead of rushing to pack up your gear after the service, why not chill, make an effort to walk off the front of the stage, and mingle. 

Mingling is ministry.

And hey, come to think of it, there are a couple other places that act as a "real stage"...


I sure hope you attend the church you play at when you’re not scheduled to be on team. 

And I sure hope that you praise the Lord as fervently from your chair as you do on the platform. 

I often encourage my team members who aren’t on the stage that week but are still “all in” from their chairs, 

“Thanks for leading worship today.” 

Because when the congregation sees you praise with equal fervor on and off the stage, they can trust what you’re doing up there isn’t an act. 

And that goes a long way in gaining their trust to follow your lead while you're up there.

(Side note: I have this amazing media volunteer who very demonstratively praises the Lord while she’s clicking slides…I stinking LOVE her! Thanks for leading, Jess)


You knew this was coming. 

There’s no greater stage than the one no one could ever see you on. 

Are you regularly praising God in absolute secrecy? 

Are you letting your private encounters overflow onto the platform or is your presence-seeking only done with a mic in your hands? 

The only stage that really matters is the one that’s just between you and the Lord.

Establish a rhythm of seeking the Lord on your own and just see what begins to happen on the stage at your church.

But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.




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